pub trait LatticeStateWithEField<const D: usize>: LatticeState<D> {
    // Required methods
    fn e_field(&self) -> &EField<D>;
    fn set_e_field(&mut self, e_field: EField<D>);
    fn t(&self) -> usize;
    fn derivative_u(
        link: &LatticeLinkCanonical<D>,
        link_matrix: &LinkMatrix,
        e_field: &EField<D>,
        lattice: &LatticeCyclic<D>
    ) -> Option<CMatrix3>;
    fn derivative_e(
        point: &LatticePoint<D>,
        link_matrix: &LinkMatrix,
        e_field: &EField<D>,
        lattice: &LatticeCyclic<D>
    ) -> Option<SVector<Su3Adjoint, D>>;
    fn hamiltonian_efield(&self) -> Real;

    // Provided methods
    fn reset_e_field<Rng>(
        &mut self,
        rng: &mut Rng
    ) -> Result<(), StateInitializationError>
       where Rng: Rng + ?Sized { ... }
    fn hamiltonian_total(&self) -> Real { ... }
Expand description

Represent a lattice state where the conjugate momenta of the link matrices are included.

If you have a LatticeState and want the default way of adding the conjugate momenta look at LatticeStateEFSyncDefault.

If you want to solve the equation of motion using an SymplecticIntegrator also implement SimulationStateSynchronous and the wrapper SimulationStateLeap can give you an SimulationStateLeapFrog.

It is used for the super::monte_carlo::HybridMonteCarlo algorithm.

Required Methods§


fn e_field(&self) -> &EField<D>

The “Electrical” field of this state.


fn set_e_field(&mut self, e_field: EField<D>)

Replace the electrical field with the given input. It should panic if the input is not of the correct size.


Panic if the length of link_matrix is different from lattice.get_number_of_points()


fn t(&self) -> usize

return the time state, i.e. the number of time the simulation ran.


fn derivative_u( link: &LatticeLinkCanonical<D>, link_matrix: &LinkMatrix, e_field: &EField<D>, lattice: &LatticeCyclic<D> ) -> Option<CMatrix3>

Get the derivative \partial_t U(link), returns None if the link is outside of the lattice.

It is used in order to apply the equation of motion.


fn derivative_e( point: &LatticePoint<D>, link_matrix: &LinkMatrix, e_field: &EField<D>, lattice: &LatticeCyclic<D> ) -> Option<SVector<Su3Adjoint, D>>

Get the derivative \partial_t E(point), returns None if the link is outside of the lattice.

It is used in order to apply the equation of motion.


fn hamiltonian_efield(&self) -> Real

Get the energy of the conjugate momenta configuration

Provided Methods§


fn reset_e_field<Rng>( &mut self, rng: &mut Rng ) -> Result<(), StateInitializationError>where Rng: Rng + ?Sized,

Reset the e_field with radom value distributed as N(0, 1 / beta) rand_distr::StandardNormal.


Gives and error if N(0, 0.5/beta ) is not a valid distribution (for example beta = 0).

Gives StateInitializationError::GaussProjectionError if the Gauss projection failed


fn hamiltonian_total(&self) -> Real



impl<State, const D: usize> LatticeStateWithEField<D> for SimulationStateLeap<State, D>where State: LatticeStateWithEField<D> + SimulationStateSynchronous<D> + ?Sized,

We just transmit the function of State, there is nothing new.


impl<const D: usize> LatticeStateWithEField<D> for LatticeStateEFSyncDefault<LatticeStateDefault<D>, D>where Direction<D>: DirectionList,