Expand description

Numerical integrators to carry out simulations.

See SymplecticIntegrator. The simulations are done on LatticeStateWithEField It also require a notion of SimulationStateSynchronous and SimulationStateLeapFrog.

Even thought it is effortless to implement both SimulationStateSynchronous and SimulationStateLeapFrog. I advice against it and implement only SimulationStateSynchronous and use super::simulation::SimulationStateLeap for leap frog states as it gives a compile time check that you did not forget doing a half steps.

This library gives two implementations of SymplecticIntegrator: SymplecticEuler and SymplecticEulerRayon. I would advice using SymplecticEulerRayon if you do not mind the little more memory it uses.


let us create a basic random state and let us simulate.

use lattice_qcd_rs::integrator::{SymplecticEuler, SymplecticIntegrator};
use lattice_qcd_rs::simulation::{
    LatticeStateDefault, LatticeStateEFSyncDefault, LatticeStateWithEField,
use rand::SeedableRng;

let mut rng = rand::rngs::StdRng::seed_from_u64(0); // change with your seed
let state1 = LatticeStateEFSyncDefault::new_random_e_state(
    LatticeStateDefault::<3>::new_determinist(100_f64, 1_f64, 4, &mut rng)?,
    &mut rng,
let integrator = SymplecticEuler::default();
let state2 = integrator.integrate_sync_sync(&state1, 0.000_1_f64)?;
let state3 = integrator.integrate_sync_sync(&state2, 0.000_1_f64)?;

Let us then compute and compare the Hamiltonian.

let h = state1.hamiltonian_total();
let h2 = state3.hamiltonian_total();
println!("The error on the Hamiltonian is {}", h - h2);

See SimulationStateSynchronous for more convenient methods.


