pub fn run_pool_parallel_vec_with_initializations_mutable<Key, Data, CommonData, InitData, F, FInit, const D: usize>(
    iter: impl Iterator<Item = Key> + Send,
    common_data: &CommonData,
    closure: &F,
    closure_init: FInit,
    number_of_thread: usize,
    capacity: usize,
    l: &LatticeCyclic<D>,
    default_data: &Data
) -> Result<Vec<Data>, ThreadAnyError>where
    CommonData: Sync,
    Key: Eq + Send + Clone + Sync + LatticeElementToIndex<D>,
    Data: Send + Clone,
    F: Sync + Clone + Fn(&mut InitData, &Key, &CommonData) -> Data,
    FInit: Send + Clone + FnOnce() -> InitData,
Expand description

run jobs in parallel. Similar to run_pool_parallel_vec but with initiation.


Returns ThreadAnyError::ThreadNumberIncorrect is the number of threads is 0. Returns ThreadAnyError::Panic if a thread panicked. Contains the panic message.


Let us create some value but we will greet the user from the threads

use lattice_qcd_rs::lattice::{LatticeCyclic, LatticeElementToIndex, LatticePoint};
use lattice_qcd_rs::thread::run_pool_parallel_vec_with_initializations_mutable;

let l = LatticeCyclic::<4>::new(1_f64, 25)?;
let iter = l.get_points();
let c = 5_usize;
// we could have put 4 inside the closure but this demonstrate how to use common data
let result = run_pool_parallel_vec_with_initializations_mutable(
    &|has_greeted: &mut bool, i: &LatticePoint<4>, c: &usize| {
        if !*has_greeted {
            *has_greeted = true;
            println!("Hello from the thread");
        i[0] * c
    || false,

will print “Hello from the thread” four times.

Another useful application is to use an rng

extern crate rand;
extern crate rand_distr;
extern crate nalgebra;
use lattice_qcd_rs::field::Su3Adjoint;
use lattice_qcd_rs::lattice::LatticeCyclic;
use lattice_qcd_rs::thread::run_pool_parallel_vec_with_initializations_mutable;

let l = LatticeCyclic::<4>::new(1_f64, 4)?;
let distribution = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(-1_f64..1_f64);
let result = run_pool_parallel_vec_with_initializations_mutable(
    &|rng, _, d| Su3Adjoint::random(rng, d).to_su3(),